The DynoJet Dynomometer is a performance diagnostic tool which is used to accurately and simultaneously measure the rear wheel horse power, torque, speed, and RPM of any two wheel drive vehicle. It can accurately test from as little as 20 horsepower, and up to as high as1,200 horsepower. It allows us to safely duplicate the best road testing under ideal conditions, with reliability and consistentcy.
The precision balanced tire contact drums in the DynoJet are carefully proportioned for an accurate simulation of road testing. The knurled, 48 inch diameter surface of the drums provide stable contact for the tires, eliminating slippage and affording precise and repeatable results every time. This unique design eliminates the problem of unnecessary engine strain and the excessive tire wear which can be the result of traditional dual-wheel 'brake' type dynamometers.
The drums are calibrated individually for maximum accuracy and performance.
Timing Accuracy is: +/- 1 microsecond
Drum Speed Accuracy is: +/- 1/100th
Mph Rpm Accuracy is: +/- 1/10th Rpm
Each dynomometer drum has a sensor which reads the energy transfered from the drive wheels of your vehicle. The horsepower is then calculated by the computer by measuring the drum acceleration.
RPM is recorded separately via a sensor connected to the coil or spark plug cable.
During a session on the DynoJet, the dynamometer feeds a continuous stream of information to the computer, which plots and prints out the horse power and torque tests as graphs. The DynoJet software running on the computere is so sophisticated that it even makes an automatic correction for the altitude and the current atmospheric conditions, which could otherwise affect test accuracy.
Measuring deceleration allows us to view negative horsepower, and allows us to determine the amount of resistance created by the drive train. Any fuel, electrical, or drive train problems are therefore easily and quickly diagnosed.
In just 20 minutes, your vehicle can be mounted and ready for testing. Each run takes less than five minutes to complete. This allows plenty of time for between runs modifications.
These tests are extremely accurate and repeatable, thereby very helpfull in evaluating performance modifications to your vehicle. The power and torque curves can be viewed and printed, from up to three vehicles , or from three runs on the same vehicle.
All data from your vehicle is kept on file for future reference.